Single Analysis



"Single analysis" stands for analysing of data from one specific infrastructure asset (e.g. track geometry, catenary,...). This data can be represented by point or sectional data.

IRISSYS® enables the defect determination on the highest available level. The measuring intervals from the inspection source can be nearly unlimited small. Normally it has a range from several meters (e.g. optical inspections) till multiple values per centimetre (e.g. corrugation, catenary wire thickness).

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Besides the raw displaying of data, IRISSYS® enables the analysis in combination with different thresholds for determining the condition of the infrastructure. Defect areas can be recognized easily with an evaluated and coloured display of the data

Complex rules for thresholds can be configured in the system. Thus a threshold can be dependent from multiple terms (e.g. line speed and superstructure form).

Display and rulesets are easily configurable without programming effort and can be adopted very fast to changing boundary condition

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